Project: Energy Commons Science and Art Outdoor Exhibits on the Burlington Waterfront
Client: ECHO, Leahy Center for Lake Champlain
Role: Design Manager
Energy Commons is a collection of outdoor spaces that includes solar canopies, rain gardens, science exhibits, art sculptures, and outdoor seating around ECHO, Leahy Center for Lake Champlain. The spaces around the Museum invite people to explore our past, present, and future relationship to energy through interactive experiences and social connection. It is a waterfront destination and a means for improving a neighborhood, city, and region. More than an outdoor exhibit, it is a public space that strengthens the connection between people, place, and our shared energy future.
I oversaw the art direction and design of all the signage and graphics and overall look and feel of the spaces. We wanted something clean (like our energy), bold, and bright to stand out among the many natural color palettes.